Hello There … I found some time to create a new digital planner 🦄💞 This planner begins in June of 2022 and ends in December 2023. This planner includes new pages, including, monthly goal planning, monthly …
My First Sims4 Stop Motion Video
Hi There, Joy Here! This was my first attempt at a stop motion video, I decorated the home of Bob and Eliza Pancakes for the winter ☺️ I hope you enjoyed this video. If you …
2021 Daily Digital Planner
Hi there, Joy here. I created a daily digital planner and I wanted to share it with you. This is a daily digital planner with a monthly overview for 2021! Hooray for us, we have …
2020 Content Planner
Hi there, Joy here. I created a digital planner and I wanted to share it with you. This is not a typical digital planner, it is a digital content planner. Its purpose is to help facilitate productivity in developing blog content.
Step by Step Guide to Draw a Hand
Drawing hands is one of the most well-known points learning craftsmen get some information about. That is on the grounds that realizing how to draw hands is fundamental on the off chance that you are drawing the figure. Click here to read more…
Most Common Types of Art Styles
What are the most common type of drawing styles? Drawing is the establishment of such a large number of imaginative practices, from planners to mold creators to artists and specialists. Click here to read more…
5 Ways to Design a Logo for Your Brand
Every business needs a single brand that people can recognize them with. As we all know from Apple’s success, successful branding is a key in ensuring that a business succeeds, even if the products themselves aren’t that impressive. The main way of ensuring that you have a brand for your business, is to make sure your company has an unforgettable logo. This is why I have created a guide to show you the 5 ways that you can use to design a logo for your brand or business. Click here to read more…
I Want to Build/Develop a Character
One of my goals for this upcoming year is to practice my drawing skills so that I’m able to discover my art style. With the discovery of my art style, I’d like to develop my own character. At this point, I’m not really sure if i’d like to have a character to represent my brand in general or if I want to create a series involving a specific character. Either way, I need to determine how to create this character. Click here to read more…
How I Created My Blog… Getting Started
I’m going to provide some insight as to how I got started and created my blog. My goal is to help you understand how achievable this can be for you, but also to provide you with a guide for starting your blog today. Click here to read more…
Why I Started Blogging
Well “Hello There” and welcome.
I’m Joy, an aspiring artist who does a bit of accounting to get by in life. There was a time when I was able to draw practically ANYTHING! Literally… self portraits, still life, and even cartoon characters. I used to draw all of the time non stop, but then… life happened. I got busy with university… then grad school… then I joined the workforce. Now, I just feel like I want to create! Click here to read more…