Hi there, Joy here. I created a digital planner and I wanted to share it with you.
This is not a typical digital planner, it is a digital content planner. Its purpose is to help facilitate productivity in developing blog content.
Click Here for content calendar.

So what’s a digital planner? A digital planner has the appearance of a calendar, but it is in the form of an interactive pdf. Typically the tabs within the file are linked to other pages, almost like a digital page turn. The pages are blank and any changes made to the planner are done with a stylus.
To make the best use of this digital planner, you will need a table, a pdf annotation app and a stylus. I use is GoodNotes 5 app on an iPad with an apple pencil. Once you download the file on your tablet, you can import the file into annotator app.
Table of Contents
Once you click on the logo, the page will flip to the Table of Contents tab (shown here). Just a friendly reminder, when you select a tab, make sure that the app is in selection mode and not annotation mode. Also, please check the user manual of your app for details in how you can switch between these two modes.

Monthly View:
Once you select a tab for the monthly view, you will be able to add notes to each day. There is also a separate section for weekly notes. Each date (#) on this sheet is linked to daily pages.
Daily View:
When the date is selected within the monthly view, you will be able to view the daily content planner page and social media plan for that specific day.

Navigating to the beginning:
The logo at the bottom right of the planner will navigate back to the table of contents (within the daily view) or back to the cover page (within the monthly view).
Did you enjoy this content planner?
I hope you are able to find this digital planner helpful in your blogging journey. If you have any feedback or run into any issues, feel free to email contact@joysavvy.com .
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